
haha, i've been stressed out and acting like a lunatic

I have cramps. So bad. I wanna die, but I don't want to complain to anybody. I'm sick of bitching to everybody about everything, and even more sick of of hearing myself bitch. And picking fights with Meg because I'm so hormonal I cried when I saw it was going to be sunny for the next few days. Out of happiness. Ha.

I spent an hour last night making a spread sheet/planner of the next few weeks until finals because they are PILING on the fucking work and I was already going at breakneck speed. For the last two weeks I've been stressed out and anxious pretty much all the time and having PMS is taking that to a level I can't describe.

I have to go to class now. Goddamn I just wanna lay in bed curled in a ball. But I don't work tonight so I'm going to lay in the fetal position all night and... read for political theory. But last night was great, went out for a beer with Calista, Bethany and Meg. We had Rita's and pizza. Mental health evening. Sleep and comfort soon, maybe a bath and some tea.

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