

Just because being told "You're so skinny!" is considered 'more of a compliment' than being told, "You're so fat!" doesn't mean I necessarily appreciate having it yelled at me on a fairly consistent basis. It's sort of complicated, because when I weighed 50+ lbs more than I do now (175 if you're keeping track at home) I was also depressed and on a cocktail of prescription drugs for said depression. Now, I weigh about 110 and my life is also full and awesome.

My point is that my weight, both 3 years ago and now, is/was merely a reflection of how well I take care of myself. For the record, I'm 5'1 tall and although I'm on the skinnier side, I have a decent amount of muscle and I feel like my weight is appropriate. Which is why I don't really like having it pointed out to me all the time.

Granted, I get it. A lot of people haven't seen me since I got my shit together and they're surprised. This is to be expected. However, I at least would like to retain the right to be slightly annoyed, and not expected to act like it's a compliment all the time. Being told "you're so skinny makes me feel like I have to defend myself, and assert that I did it in a healthy way. Indeed, I wasn't even trying to loose weight, it just happened as I got off psychotropic medications and my life got busier. I feel the need to explain myself, and say, "No, I never had an eating disorder. No I didn't go on a crash diet. No I'm not on drugs." Who knows. I don't know what people intend when they say these things. And I have far better things to do than worry about it or try to figure it out. I seriously do not give a fuck what anybody thinks of my weight but me, because I am the only one who can say if I'm really healthy.

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