
this needs to go somewhere, i'll just leave it here

or, "an inanely long entry made of thoughts i've had in/about the past year organized in no particular way".

Blogging is more addictive around New Years than any other time of the year, for me. Most of the blogs I've started and forgotten about were made between Christmas and New Years. Must be that unique blend of boredom/free time, cold weather, and seasonal pressure to reflect and start anew (to which Thanksgiving and Christmas also contribute).

Everybody agreed at the end of 2008 that the year sucked. The recession set it, blah blah, everybody was depressed. I don't know what the general consensus is about 2009, but I'd say it broke even in terms of good versus bad happenings.

Things accomplished in 2009:
~ Got and held a job for the first time in three years. Relative self-sufficiency achieved. Feeling especially proud because of the shitty economy and unemployment rate.
~ GPA maintained
~ After months of talking about relearning to crochet and selling things on Etsy.com in hopes of making productive use of my free time, I finally did it and have since finished two scarves and a hat, albeit of questionable quality. Still not ready to sell, but perfect for gifts.
~ My dad quit smoking after his heart attack and looks FANTASTIC. He looks ten years younger. Who would have guessed.
~ In June, Meg and I upgraded to this apartment of which we are so proud. It's only four bedrooms, but we put our hearts into decorating it and making it home and it looks amazing.
~ My hair has healed quite well from the fried, damaged mess it used to be. After 2+ years of suffering through growing out a fugly hair cut, I am finally satisfied with it. Also, on an equally superficial level, my ears made it to a 00ga and I got two pairs of my dream plugs

^^ FrozenFire corkscrew dichro on cobalt

^^Glasswear Studios Amber-Purple Colorfronts

Low points of 2009 included:
~ Frank's open heart surgery early in the year. He had a very low chance of even surviving the operation, but since then has recovered faster and more completely than anyone had even hoped; so it's not all bad.
~My dad's heart attack. Mortality faced. Tears shed. Bus tickets considered. But my dad also is doing great now, so again, not all bad.
~My situation right now-- not knowing what's going to happen with my school. Waiting on offices. Worrying. Especially considering how early I started working on the application, trying to avoid exactly this situation, dammit.

Looking back on this year and trying to judge it feels like reflecting on and judging an acid trip. A lot of strange things happened and I think some of them might have permanently changed me for the better. Some bad things happened, but they could have been worse and I'm just happy to be done with them. And mostly, that I'm too tired to weigh it all out and more than content to just wait and see what happens next as evidence of what has really happened. Something like that.

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