
newest evidence suggests ignorance is not bliss

So, *apparently* a recent survey poll says that the number of people who know that the Federal Reserve Bank is a private company is growing. Honestly, I'm disgusted and then some with statistics and numbers, so let's just think about the concept, the gravity, of the fact that the Federal Reserve Bank is a private company.

Now, I am apparently pretty naive-- that is to say, I'm constantly disgusted by things that people tell me are now and have always been normal. That being said, when I was informed of this fact a few months ago, I was even more appalled than usual. I think my first thought was probably pretty similar to that of most people: "What the fuck do you mean, the word 'federal' is in the title. That doesn't make any sense." And then you realize that the name is a)misleading and b)on purpose. And when you consider how big a part the Federal Reserve plays in daily life, you stop for a second and say, Hold the fuck on, how many other things have I taken for granted? The coal industry's misleadingly naming a policy the Blue Sky and Air Act? For me, that's where it all starts to fall apart.

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